We provide several ways to see what data is available in the WMDA Global database .

There is an archived version of the previous data (dot20 only) available.



Donor counts per ION (Pool)
Totals per upload format
Typing percentages
Accreditation status


Please note that the upload format is displayed as set in the CRM.
This means that XML means that the registry has been set to deliver in XML format.
Until the first physical XML upload, data may still origin from dot20 format.

Updated once a day, after export

Columns are sortable


xls, csv
https://statistics.wmda.info/rawstats.txtRaw database counts, Listing organisation IONS and POOL onlyUnformatted, updated every hourtxt

Trend analysis for donor content.

Shows the trend of the number of donors for last 30 days

please note that delta's are between first and last entry

up to 30 datapoints per ionpng, json