Project details:

Project group:

Deliverable D5.1 (2018)

Project group chair:

Jantine Liesting

Project group members:

Carolyn Hurley, Pam Robinett, Felix Bussmann, Nicoletta Sacchi

Project office supporter:

Lydia Foeken and Esther Pustjens

Project description:

A report setting out the findings of the workshop of members states including:
- Feedback on the current Accreditation Programme, including ‘what works well’ and ‘where there is room for improvement’.
- Insight from members on their requirements vis a vis accreditation, reflecting national standards and regulations.
- Insight from members on the support they require to progress through the Accreditation pathway.
- Recommendations for the enhancement of the Accreditation Programme, to be implemented (following consultation with members) in 2019

Project status:

Start date:2018End date:


Project outcome:


