Project details:

Project group:

Deliverable D2.2 (2018)

Project group chair:

Esther and Lydia

Project group members:


Project office supporter:

Zhihong, Riny, Manish, Martin

Project description:

A set of educational resources for member organisations that support them to use the ICT infrastructure in the optimum way including:
- Flowcharts and process flows of the end-to-end search, match and connect process
- Description on how searches are organised within EU Member States. Including a map of the most efficient and effective search, match and connect journey and identification of opportunities and priorities for automation and streamlining (i.e. removal of redundant / non-value adding steps).
- Explanation of the improved matching algorithm


Websites, patents fillings, etc.

(info) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)

Project status:

Start date:2018End date:


Project progress:


Description Action Task

August 21
  • Lydia met David overleggen over wat en hoe
October 30In afwachting van rapport van Red Badger

Project outcome:

