WMDA has implemented a streamlined workflow for initiating searches.

We understand that this change can be met with hesitation by users who have familiarized themselves with the previous workflow, so allow us to provide clarity on the rationale behind this adjustment and guide you through the new workflow.

Why the change?

How to start a (next) mismatch search?

See the illustration below for a visualization of allowed and non-allowed searches, based on the available typing for a patient

actor patient
box "allowed searches" #lightblue
participant "Searches - possible"
end box
box "not allowed searches" #salmon
participant "Searches - not possible"
end box
patient -> "Searches - possible" : **possible searches**
... <color red>*it is only allowed to start the __next__ mismatch search if a previous search has <40.000 results and if a previous (mis)match search has finished in the same match class</color> ...
rnote over patient
**At least HLA typing at**
* A
* B
* C
* DRB1
* DQB1

* //Optional: DPB1, DPA1, DQA1, DRB3, DRB4, DRB5//

/rnote over "Searches - possible"
**n/10 search**
__MUST BE: A, B, C, DRB1, DQB1 (Default)__
* overallMismatches: 0 10/10
* overallMismatches: 1 9/10
* overallMismatches: 2 8/10
* overallMismatches: 3 7/10 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)
* overallMismatches: 4 6/10 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)

**n/8 search**
__MUST BE A, B, C, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 0 8/8
* overallMismatches: 1 7/8
* overallMismatches: 2 6/8
* overallMismatches: 3 5/8 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)
* overallMismatches: 4 4/8 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)

**n/6 search**
__MUST BE A, B, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 0 6/6
* overallMismatches: 1 5/6
* overallMismatches: 2 4/6
* overallMismatches: 3 3/6 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)

**n/6 AB Low DRB High search**
(isCbuAbLowDrb1HighResolution = true)
__MUST BE A, B, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 0 6/6
* overallMismatches: 1 5/6
* overallMismatches: 2 4/6 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)


/rnote over "Searches - not possible"
**n/10 search**
__Any other combination of 5 loci than: A, B, C, DRB1, DQB1__
* overallMismatches: 5 5/10
* overallMismatches: 6 4/10
* overallMismatches: 7 3/10
* overallMismatches: 8 2/10

**n/8 search**
__Any other combination of 4 loci than: A, B, C, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 5 3/8
* overallMismatches: 6 2/8
* overallMismatches: 7 1/8
* overallMismatches: 8 0/8

**n/6 search**
__Any other combination of 3 loci than: A, B, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 4 2/6
* overallMismatches: 5 1/6
* overallMismatches: 6 0/6

**n/6 AB Low DRB High search**
(isCbuAbLowDrb1HighResolution = true)
__Any other combination of 3 loci than: A, B, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 3 3/6
* overallMismatches: 4 2/6
* overallMismatches: 5 1/6
* overallMismatches: 6 0/6 

**n/4 search**
__Any combination of 2 loci__
* overallMismatches: 0 4/4
* overallMismatches: 1 3/4
* overallMismatches: 2 2/4
* overallMismatches: 3 1/4
* overallMismatches: 4 0/4

**n/2 search**
__Any single locus__
* overallMismatches: 0 2/2
* overallMismatches: 1 1/2
* overallMismatches: 2 0/2

patient -> "Searches - possible" : **possible searches**
rnote over patient
**At least HLA typing at**
* A
* B
* C
* DRB1

* //Optional: DPB1, DPA1, DQA1, DRB3, DRB4, DRB5//

/rnote over "Searches - possible"
**n/8 search**
__MUST BE A, B, C, DRB1 (Default)__
* overallMismatches: 0 8/8
* overallMismatches: 1 7/8
* overallMismatches: 2 6/8
* overallMismatches: 3 5/8 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)
* overallMismatches: 4 4/8 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)

**n/6 search**
__MUST BE A, B, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 0 6/6
* overallMismatches: 1 5/6
* overallMismatches: 2 4/6
* overallMismatches: 3 3/6 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)

**n/6 AB Low DRB High search**
(isCbuAbLowDrb1HighResolution = true)
__MUST BE A, B, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 0 6/6
* overallMismatches: 1 5/6
* overallMismatches: 2 4/6 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)

patient -> "Searches - possible" : **possible searches**
rnote over patient
**At least HLA typing at**
* A
* B
* DRB1

* //Optional: DPB1, DPA1, DQA1, DRB3, DRB4, DRB5//

/rnote over "Searches - possible"
**n/6 search**
__ MUST BE A, B, DRB1 (Default)__
* overallMismatches: 0 6/6
* overallMismatches: 1 5/6
* overallMismatches: 2 4/6
* overallMismatches: 3 3/6 (<color red>*CBU only</color>)

**n/6 AB Low DRB High search**
(isCbuAbLowDrb1HighResolution = true)
__MUST BE A, B, DRB1__
* overallMismatches: 3 3/6
* overallMismatches: 4 2/6
* overallMismatches: 5 1/6
* overallMismatches: 6 0/6 