The WMDA makes no representations or express or implied warranties regarding any information on this site or obtained through these links; expressly disclaims all legal liability and responsibility for accuracy, completeness, currency, suitability, validity, or usefulness or such information; and is not and will not be liable for any statements, errors, or omissions in posted information, or for any losses, injuries, or damages that arise or are alleged to arise from such information. Use of any information provided on this site does not and is not intended to create a contractual or other relationship. The information is provided for guidance only and is updated on an annual basis, CBB protocols, processes and fee structures may change in the meantime and if you have any queries please aks you Search Coordinator for the most up to date information.



CBB answer

Name of the Cord Blood Bank: Etablissement français du sang Unité d’ingénierie et de thérapie cellulaire-Banque de sang placentaire 5, rue Gustave Eiffel 94017 Créteil Cedex France
The information has been reviewed in year :

Verification typing and extended typing requests


CBB answer

Extended/verification typing is performed at an ASHI, EFI or CAP accredited lab: yes
The average turnaround time for extended HLA typing results is: 7 Days
The Cord Blood Bank does currently use an attached (contiguous) segment (if available) for confirmatory/verification HLA typing: yes
The Cord Blood Bank does list cord blood units that do NOT have attached segments and have NOT previously been confirmatory typed on attached segments: no
The percentage of cord blood units in the Cord Blood Bank inventory that will be sent with attached segment is: 90-100%
The Cord Blood Bank performs confirmatory/verification HLA typing on cord blood units prior to release with the following resolution: Low to medium
The DNA sample will be send to Transplant Centre if requested prior to shipment request: Yes;if DNA is available

Reservation policy


CBB answer

At what point is a cord blood unit reserved for a patient and not available for other patients?
At time of cord blood unit report request
At time of HLA typing request
At time of reservation request
At time of shipment request
The length of time that a cord blood unit can be reserved is:

60 days

There is a fee to reserve a cord blood unit: no
The Cord Blood Bank allows for an extension on a reservation of a cord blood unit: yes
Will your Cord Blood Bank provide a cord blood unit report on a cord blood unit that is already reserved for another patient (and thus not available)
without specifying that the cord blood unit is already reserved?
If the Cord Blood Bank releases a cord blood unit from a patient’s search (as opposed to the transplant centre indicating that the cord blood unit may be
released), the transplant centre will be informed by the Cord Blood Bank of the release:
The list below, indicates which tests are currently performed by the Cord Blood Bank on a thawed attached segment and at which stage:
VTTNC countTotal viable CD34 count% viability of CD34% viability of CD45CFUs
As standard when verification typing is performed ------
As standard when CBU is reserved ------
Upon request when CBU is reserved ------
Upon request when verification typing is performed ------
Only once shipment is requested ✔️✔️-✔️✔️✔️
Upon request at any point ------
Not performed ------


CBB answer

If any of the above tests are requested prior to shipment, this will result in automatic reservation of the CBU:
Charges incurredVTTNC countTotal viable CD34 count% viability of CD34% viability of CD45CFUs
Will this incur a charge? - - - - - -

Shipment request and release of Unit


CBB answer

The Cord Blood Bank performs hemoglobinopathy screening before release: yes
Criteria to allow a Cord Blood Unit to be shipped to transplant centres. See Appendix V of FACT Netcord Standards 6th Edition.
acceptable range of values method additional information
Viability/cell count: viability 1.8*10^6; >= 70% 7AAD


CBB answer

Criteria to allow a cord blood unit to be shipped to transplant centres. See Appendix V of FACT Netcord Standards 6th Edition.
At the time a cord blood unit is released to be shipped to a transplant centre the following will be performed:

Current packaging for shipment to transplant centre. Transport rack
How many segments do you currently send with the unit? One attached segment
How much time is required from the date the shipment order is placed until the unit is shipped? Less than one week
The Cord Blood Bank validates its dry shippers to ensure they maintain the temperature at = - 150°C at least 48 hours beyond the expected arrival time at the
receiving facility:
All dry shippers that are used by your Cord Blood Bank, contains an electronic temperature data logger: yes
Typically the courier company for international transports is chosen by: Cord Blood Bank or sending registry
The shape of the transport container the Cord Blood Bank currently uses: Cubic

Cancellation policy


CBB answer

There is a fee to cancel the reservation for a cord blood unit in the absence of a subsequent request for shipment: no
There a fee for cancellation of shipment: yes

IDMs performed before release

IDM Maternal sample Cord blood sample
CMV anitbodies IgGCytomegalovirus antibodies IgG Standards On request
CMV antibodies IgMCytomegalovirus antibodies IgM Standards On request
CMV antibodies totalCytomegalovirus antibodies total Not available Not available
EBV antibodies IgGEpstein Barr Virus antibodies IgG Standards On request
EBV antibodies IgMEpstein Barr Virus antibodies IgM Standards On request
EBV antibodies totalEpstein Barr Virus antibodies total Not available Not available
HBV-NATHepatitis B Virus - Nucleic Acid Amplification Technique Standards On request
HCV-NATHepatitis C Virus - Nucleic Acid Amplification Technique Standards On request
HBsAgHepatitis B surface antigen StandardsStandards
Anti-HBcHepatitis B core antibody StandardsStandards
Anti-HBsHepatitis B surface antibody Not available Not available
Anti-HCVHepatitis C antibody StandardsStandards
HIV-1 P24Human Immunodeficiency Virus p24 antigen Not available Not available
HIV-NATHuman Immunodeficiency Virus - Nucleic Acid Amplification Technique Standards On request
Anti-HIV 1/2Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1/2 antibody Not available Not available
Anti-HTLV 1/2 Human T-Lymphotropic Virus 1/2 antibody StandardsStandards
HTLV-NATHuman T-Lymphotropic Virus - Nucleic Acid Amplification Technique Not available Not available
STSSyphilis serologic test StandardsStandards
T. Cruzi antibody Trypanosoma Cruzi anitbody (Chagas Disease) Not available Not available
TOXO antibodies IgGToxoplasmosis antibody IgG Standards Not available
TOXO antibodies IgMToxoplasmosis antibody IgM Standards Not available
TOXO antibodies total Toxoplasmosis antibody total Not available Not available
Anti-WNVWest Nile Virus antibody Not available Not available
WNV-NATWest Nile Virus - Nucleic Acid Amplification Technique Not available -

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