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  • Step 1: Login to the SPEAR online reporting tool with your user name and password by using the steps listed above. Don't have a user name and password yet? Please see below at the FAQ "How do I register as a SPEAR reporter?" 
  • Step 2: Choose the role of reporter with the correct organisation when you login to draft reports
  • Step 3: Click Create new report at the top of the page under Report list to start a new draft 
  • Step 4: Start your new draft report by entering the Type of report first. Once you've selected the correct type of report, the rest of the tabs will become filled with questions based on the type of report you selected.

    titleChange the report type

    You can always change the Type of report by going back to the first tab (Type of report). If you change the type of report selected, different follow-up questions might appear. Answers previously given can be automatically erased if they no longer are part of the question list belonging to the new Type of report you selected. 

Adding an attachment to your report

  • Step 1: If you haven't done so yet, select a Type of report at the Type of report tab first. 
  • Step 2: Go to the Finalisation tab 
  • Step 3: Scroll down to "Upload any documents.."
  • Step 4: Click the paperclip icon to select the files to upload, you can select multiple files from the same folder at once by using CTRL + click or by dragging your cursor 

    titleFile types and sizes

    Please note: only file with xlsx, .xls, .docx, .doc .pdf, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .bmp, .txt extensions are accepted. Each file uploaded may not exceed 10mb. The maximum number of attachments may not exceed 5.

  • Step 5: After selecting the files you wish to upload, you must check the checkbox underneath the file overview to state that you are not uploading any personal information, such as names, dates of births or any other identifying information belonging to donors, patients or staff.

Submitting a report

Receiving a report from an affiliated (child) organisation
