
Data upload can be done using various mechanisms : 

This document describes the data upload mechanism via the REST API method, where users can upload a PGP encrypted XML file.

Using the REST API

To test the API you may use a tool like Restlet, a plugin for Chrome browsers to test API calls before you deploy. The server responds with a HTTP code 200 in when succesfull, but may the response body may contain detailed error messages.

In case the upload succeeded, an XML response with meta information of the upload is generated. You may use this for own logging purposes. For more info you can read the full API specification


SERVER URLhttps://staging-dataupload.wmda.info


Please refer to the file naming convention.

This  is stated as : For XML format:The files are marked with ION numbers ( ION-1234-D or ION-1234-C)

The ION number is an unique number of an organisation sending the file.

The D give the information that it is a donor file and the C give the information that it is a cord blood file

HEADERonly Authorization is required, the other ones are optional



SAMPLE Request

First test the connection by using the right path and fetching the metadata : it should result in a response 200 OK.


Now we know the path is correct and we can do an upload using cURL: 


curl -i -X PUT -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT=="   -T "./test.pgp"  'https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/io/ION0999/'



Click on Code to get raw CURL syntax:


Response should be 200: