World Marrow Donor Association Membership Agreement

The World Marrow Donor Association (hereafter “WMDA”) is a non-profit society organized under the laws of The Netherlands, having its registered office at Schipholweg 57, 1st floor, unit 2, 2316 ZL, The Netherlands.

Member Rights and Obligations
Individual Members & Supporters

WMDA requests you to supply (and where needed, to update) the following information:

It is your responsibility at all times to keep your personal information up to date. WMDA shall not be responsible to verify or update any of the information. Additional personal information may be requested to help identification or communication, e.g. a copy of your passport, your telephone number, the name of your organisation you are working, CV. You will receive the following benefits, click here.

Honorary Members have the same rights as Individual Members.


Regular and provisional members are donor registries, cord blood banks, donor centres that wish to benefit from the informational and educational activities of WMDA on the basis of a financial contribution. One Named Representative of the Organisation may attend the General Assembly and exercise the membership rights granted as outlined in the WMDA bylaws (article 4.1). The WMDA member organisation must provide the WMDA office with:

All WMDA members have the right to nominate candidates for elections of the WMDA Board & Standing Committees. Individual and Organisational members must pay an annual contribution fee, the amount and the conditions of which will be approved by the General Assembly. Honorary members are exempt from paying contributions.

WMDA Obligations

WMDA shall have the following obligations during the term of this Agreement:

Term and Termination

4.1 Membership is terminated:

  1. a)  On the death of an Individual or Honorary member or on the dissolution of an Affiliate member;

  2. b)  By written notification of termination by the member to the Central Office;

  3. c)  By written notification of termination by the Society to the member;

  4. d)  As a result of expulsion.

For a more detailed overview of grounds for termination of Membership please see the ISBT Statutes.

5 Applicable law

5.1 This agreement shall be governed by the laws of The Netherlands. Any dispute that may arise shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

6 Other

  1. 6.1  This Agreement and the obligations of ISBT and the Member may not be assigned, transferred or delegated by one party without prior written consent of the other parties.

  2. 6.2  ISBT may conduct surveys or questionnaires about issues that are of interest to ISBT or the professional field of Transfusion Medicine. The respondent’s data provided in such surveys or questionnaires shall remain anonymous and will be treated confidentially.

  3. 6.3  ISBT may perform statistical analysis of website traffic and response to product offers in order to improve its services. Statistical information arising from such statistical analysis shall not be reducible to individual users.

  4. 6.4  ISBT may perform statistical analysis of information submitted by Members, e.g. renewal rate, congress attendance, in order to develop and further improve (educational) services to our members.

6.4 ISBT is the sole owner of the ISBT website and is therefore the sole owner of any data collected through the ISBT website, notwithstanding your individual rights under this agreement.

Any queries related to this agreement may be directed towards the ISBT Central Office: ISBT Central Office
Marnixstraat 317
1016 TB Amsterdam

The Netherlands +31 (0)20 7601 760