
Data upload (and download) can be done using various mechanisms : 

This document describes the data upload mechanism via the REST API method, where users can upload a PGP encrypted XML file.

The examples below are for educational purposes: WMDA

Please do read https://ec.haxx.se/usingcurl-netrc.html on the use of passwords and usernames if you plan to automate these procedures.

# example use:
curl --netrc-file mycredentialsfile https://xyz.com

# the mycredentialsfile contains :
machine <xyz.com> login <johndoe@xyz.com> password <uf9873o^9ufwa>

WMDA dataupload production plan to do a maintenance and update between  -   , which will introduce security control as the update in staging from Oct, 27th, 2022. We will notify the date when we have the registries better test the new script to upload and download the file.
From staging update we know this will impact the current method used in the REST API.
Check the "Upload" user guide below in upload suggestions

Using the REST API

To test the API you may use a tool like Restlet, a plugin for Chrome browsers to test API calls before you deploy. The server responds with a HTTP code 200 in when succesful, but the response body may contain detailed error messages.

In case the upload succeeded, an XML response with meta information of the upload is generated. You may use this for own logging purposes. For more info you can read the full API specification.

SERVER URLhttps://staging-dataupload.wmda.info



  • Please refer to the file naming convention.
    This  is stated as : For XML format: The files are marked with ION numbers ( ION-1234-D or ION-1234-C)
  • The ION number is the unique ION number of an organisation sending the file.
  • The D give the information that it is a donor file and the C give the information that it is a cord blood file
Full URL path example

For donor for organization with ION-1234, the full path is as below:



Authorization and Content-Type are required, the other ones are optional




application/octet-stream (when your file < 128K)

multipart/form-data (when your file >128K)

From  , Content-Type is required. 
See our suggestion below in "Upload".


SAMPLE Request

First test the connection by using the right path and fetching the metadata : it should result in a response 200 OK.


Now we know the path is correct and we can do an upload using cURL: 

Below is the invalid to deploy, currently it is still available in PRODUCTION till production maintenance. But not available any more in STAGING dataupload. 

curl -i -X PUT -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT=="   -T "./test.pgp"  'https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/io/ION0999/'

Below are suggestions with more secure headers:

The curl script needs update to upload in STAGING from Oct, 27th, 2022 after maintenance/update .  And the new suggested script can be used in PRODUCTION as well. So we strongly suggest API users to update, then there will be less stress after PRODUCTION update/maintenance.  
For registries use other script, please test in STAGING as well, and adjust with the Content-Type if not used before. We noticed that the uploaded file format can be binary or with info to identify it is PGP/GPG MESSAGE. And for PGP/GPG MESSAGE format, there are more solutions.

Suggestion 1:

For all the files, script as below is suggested for file larger than 128K. 

curl -i -X PUT -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT==" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --data-binary "@/path/to/file/ION-0999-D.gpg"  "https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/io/ION0999/" -H "X-File-Name:ION-0999-D.gpg"

curl -i -X PUT -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT==" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --data-binary "@c:/path/to/file/ION-0999-D.gpg"  "https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/io/ION0999/" -H "X-File-Name:ION-0999-D.gpg"

Suggestion 2:

For files that encrypted and identified as PGP/GPG MESSAGE (open the encrypted file and you can see this info), then -F and -H options also work. -F already included "Content-Type: multipart/form-data", so no need to provide it any more.

For binary file, extra header information will be added to the content of the file when file is uploaded, and then it can not be decrypted any more, so please use suggestion 1 to upload. 

curl -i -X PUT -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT==" -F "file="@/path/to/file/ION-0999-D.gpg" "https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/io/ION0999/" -H "X-File-Name:ION-0999-D.gpg"
curl -i -X PUT -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT==" -F "file="@c:/path/to/file/ION-0999-D.gpg" "https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/io/ION0999/" -H "X-File-Name:ION-0999-D.gpg"


Question : My report states : File could not be processed due to a file decryption error, when using the API

Answer :

The Dataupload's API endpoint /io streams file(s) directly to the workspace. We have detected that premature file pickups may occur and attempt to move/delete files while content is still being appended or processed. We have taken actions to reduce this behaviour by decreasing the frequency for file pickup which in turn does lower the chance for premature pick. We have also implemented gpg error validation to check integrity based on its messages.

Note: Files are picked from the workspaces for processing every 10 minutes.

Some key messages:

  • Known internal gpg messages for corrupted files during API uploads: "invalid packet", "invalid encoding" and "failed". 
  • Report message that uploader users would receive in case of corrupted gpg file upload:   File could not be processed due to a file decryption error. Please make sure file is properly encrypted. 

For more information please contact WMDA support team.


You may use the API also to fetch your reports . Unfortunately, it is not one line cmd, and need 2 steps. 

1.Fetch the files list and get the file names.

Use the following curl and endpoint to fetch an array with filedescriptors:

curl -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT==" 'https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/fs/reports-ion0999/?children=f'

You will get the result in xml format, and you can get json format,  use the cmd  below:

curl -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT==" 'https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/fs/reports-ion0999/?children=f&format=json'

2.  Fetch all the reports or the one you need.

Note, you need to use "io" instead of "fs" in the path.

curl -O GET -H "Authorization:Basic d21.....uZT==" 'https://staging-dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/io/reports-ion0999/$filename' -o '$filename.txt'



Click on Code to get raw CURL syntax:

Response should be 200:

Download full dataset

For those registries that are permitted to use the full dataset the statement below will fetch that. Please change the ION workspace to match your ION.

curl -O GET -H "Authorization:Basic .............." 'https://dataupload.wmda.info/api/v2/io/downloads/ION1804/bmdw4data.zip.gpg' -o 'bmdw4data.zip.gpg'