Operational information

This data is publicly available. Parent page : ION-8261

Operational data for NZBMDR - ION-8261

Organisation Overview
The information has been reviewed in year :2024
Issuing organisation Number (ION)ION-8261
The Issuing Organisation Number of a organisation, this is globally unique number, as issued by the ICCBBA.
Time zonePacific/Auckland (GMT+12:00)
The timezone in which this organisation operates.
Business hours8.00am - 5.00pm
The daily hours in which this organisation operates.
Work scheduleMonday to Friday
The normal work week in which this organisation operates.
Organisation closuressee WMDA calendar
For all organisation closures, please see the WMDA Calendar.
Donor ID example8261 0000 8000 0000 000
ID to be expected on paperwork, samples, and products.
Preliminary Search
Requires preliminary search request formNo
If yes, form required can be found on the Documents Page.
Extended Typing
Typing options available for requestNGS
Please note special requirements listed
Requires organisation specific typing request formNo
If yes, form required can be found on the Documents Page.
Number of days donor is reserved for a patient after a request90 days
Verification Typing
Maximum blood volume allowed50ml
Requires organisation specific typing request formNo
If yes, form required can be found on the Documents Page.
IDM testing performed at verificationYes
Number of days donor is reserved for a patient after a request90 days
Sibling Typing
Registry is willing to arrange sibling typingsYes
If yes, procedure to apply for sibling typings WMDA Family request Form
Workup Request
Product dosage limit5 x 10^6/kg
Number of donor cells allowed based on recipient weight.
Requires patient to meet certain standards in order to proceed with collectionYes
Organisation may or may not allow donor collections for some patients.
Patient physician must report the following in order to proceed with collectionApproved transplantable disease
Must provide additional information to organisation.
Requires organisation specific work up forms No
If yes, form(s) required can be found on the Documents Page.
Workup IDM completed 30 days prior to collectionYes
Donor IDM results must be performed within 30 days of collection date to be valid and allow the collection to proceed.
Medical Health Questionnaire example availableNo
If yes, the example can be found on the Documents Page.
Subsequent donation policyMaximum donation 2
Anonymous contact allowedYes
Direct contact allowedNo
Gift exchange allowedYes under $50
Cord blood contact allowedN/A

Regulatory information

The data provided on this page is updated by the organisations.
The WMDA makes no representations or express or implied warranties regarding any information on this page.
Use of any information provided on this site does not and is not intended to create a contractual or other relationship.


The information has been reviewed in year :2024
Organisation name:New Zealand Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Organisation ION:ION-8261
Country:New Zealand
Year the registry started operations:1996


Do you provide HPC, Marrow? yes
Do you provide HPC, Apheresis? yes
Do you provide HPC, Cord Blood? no
Do you provide MNC, Apheresis? yes
Do you provide NC, Whole Blood? yes

Product quantity

Data valid for year2023
Number of products NationalInternational
HPC, Marrow products: 0 1
HPC, Apheresis: 8 6
HPC, Cord: 0 0


Organisation is licensed/accredited by the Competent Authority:no
Comment:No NZ licensing authority
Name of Competent Authority:n/a
Date of last inspection:n/a
Link to website of Competent Authority:n/a
Can you provide the Legal documentation from the Competent Authority that your organisation is allowed to operate as a registry ?
Is your registry WMDA Certified, WMDA Qualified or WMDA Accredited?WMDA Accredited
The registry is accredited by any other organisation:no
If yes, by which organisation?


The registry works with the following number of affiliated donor centres:1
The registry audits its donor centres:n/a
The registry works with the following numer of affiliated collection centres:4
Ther registry audits its collection centres:yes
The registry works with the following number of affiliated Cord Blood Banks:n/a
The registry audits its Cord Blood Banks:n/a
The registry works with the following number of affiliated transplant centres:4
The registry audits its transplant centres:No. 2 are FACT accredited and 2 are governed to National Standards
The registry works with the following number of affiliated IDM Testing Laboratories:2
The registry audits its IDM Testing Laboratories:No. Medsafe accredited
The registry works with the following number of affiliated HLA/other DNA markers testing laboratories:1
The registry audits its HLA/other DNA markers testing laboratories:No. ASHI accredited
The registry would be able to provide a full list of name/addresses of each affiliated and their licence/accreditation status, on request: yes
The Cord Blood Banks are FACT-NetCord accredited:
If yes, the following Cord Blood Bank(s) are accredited:
The registry is able to provide a copy of all the certificates:
Affiliated centres comply with WMDA Standards and applicable national regulations: yes
The registry has requirements for affiliated centres in addition to WMDA Standards and applicable national regulations:no
If yes, what are these requirements?n/a

Donor policy

All donors are unpaid volunteers: yes
All donors are informed about donation process and associated risks: yes
Donors sign a valid informed consent to donate in the presence of a medical doctor/health care personnel/registry staff: yes
The registry has systems in place to protect and control access to donor/patient records: yes
The registry maintains donor anonymity: yes
The registry has detailed donor evaluation and exclusion criteria in place: yes
The registry has donor evaluation and exclusion criteria that do meet or exceed the WMDA guidelines: yes


IDM TestedMethod Days between test
and sampling/workup
ALT/ASTALT/AST ratio, De-Ritis-Quotient On request
ChagasChagas, T. cruzi No
CMV IgGCytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibody testing IgG Yes
CMV IgMCytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibody testing IgM No
CMV TotalCytomegalovirus Total No
EBV IgGEpstein-Barr Virus Antibody testing IgG Yes
EBV IgMEpstein-Barr Virus Antibody testing IgM No
HAV (NAT)Anti-hepatitis A virus nucleic acid testing No
HBV (NAT)Hepatitis B nucleic acid testing Yes
HBc AbHepatitis B core antibody testing Yes
HBs AgHepatitis B Surface antigen testing Yes
HCV (NAT)Hepatitis C nucleic acid testing Yes
HCV AbHepatitis C antibody testing Yes
HEV (NAT)Hepatitis E Virus nucleic acid testing No
HIV (NAT)Human Immunodeficiency Virus nucleic acid testing Yes
HIV-1 AbHuman Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-1 antibody testing Yes
HIV-2 AbHuman Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-2 antibody testing Yes
HIV p24Human Immunodeficiency Virus p24 antigen testing No
HTLV-IHuman T-Lymphotropic Virus type I testing Yes
HTLV-IIHuman T-Lymphotropic Virus type II testing Yes
MalariaMalaria On request
HSVHerpes Simplex Virus On request
STSSerological tests for syphilis Yes
STS FTA-ABSSerological test for syphilis No
ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosis Yes
VZVVaricella Zoster Virus -
WNV-NATWest Nile Virus nucleic acid testing No
Other tests performed -


The physical and medical exam at donor workup is performed by a medical doctor: yes
All donor testing (at workup) for infectious disease is performed in a laboratory certified/licensed by a Competent Authority: yes
HLA typing for patient specific request is performed in an appropriately accredited laboratory: yes
Sterility testing is performed on the adult donor product: yes
Sterility testing is performed on the cord blood product:
Screening questionnaire to exclude communicable disease: yes
Screening questionnaire to exclude donors with 'high risk' lifestyles: yes
Donor reliability identified by a medical doctor:
Donor clearance to donate is confirmed by a medical doctor, following as a minimum the donor exclusion criteria in Annex 1 of EU Directive 2006/17/EC :

The party providing the cell product must exclude donors when:

  • They are pregnant;
  • They are breastfeeding;
  • There is the potential for transmission of inherited conditions;
  • There is evidence of any other risk factors for transmissible diseases on the basis of a risk assessment, taking into consideration Donor travel and exposure history and local infectious disease prevalence;
  • There is presence on the donor’s body of physical signs implying a risk of transmissible disease(s);
  • There is a history of a disease of unknown aetiology;
  • There is a risk of transmission of diseases caused by prions;
  • There is systemic infection which is not controlled at the time of donation, including bacterial diseases, systemic viral, fungal or parasitic infections, or significant local infection in the tissues and cells to be donated;
  • There is history of chronic, systemic autoimmune disease that could have a detrimental effect on the quality of the Cell Product;
  • There is recent history of vaccination with a live attenuated virus where a risk of transmission is considered to exist;
  • There is ingestion of, or exposure to, a substance (such as cyanide, lead, mercury, gold) that may be transmitted to recipients in a dose that could endanger their health.

Customs regulations

Are there any customs regulations to follow, or customs paperwork required, to import cell products into the organisation country? If yes, please specify:n/a
Are there any customs regulations to follow, or customs paperwork required, to export cell products from the organisation country? If yes, please specify:n/a
Are there any import regulations to follow, or paperwork required, to import cell products into the organisation country? If yes, please specify:n/a
Are there any export regulations to follow, or paperwork required, to export cell products from the organisation country? If yes, please specify:n/a

Reporting of Serious Adverse Events

Please indicate which of the following schemes for reporting Serious Adverse Events relating to either the Donor or the product the Registry participates in:
- Mandatory National Reporting Schemeno
- Voluntary National Reporting Scheme yes
- WMDA SEAR/SPEAR Reporting Scheme yes
The registry will notify the receiving Registry within 24 hours of receiving information relating to any serious adverse event that could be considered to affect the patient receiving the product: yes

Quality management

The registry does maintain Standard Operating Procedures for your work: yes
The registry would be willing to provide these to WMDA or another registry upon request: yes
The registry would be willing to provide WMDA or another registry, on request, with copies of any packaging the HPC product will arrive in: yes
Donor records relating to the medical exam and HPC collection process are the following number(s) of year(s) retained:100 years

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