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Bedomaich Chayi Cord Blood Bank
Israel | |
Contact details | |
Visit address | 5 HaMarpe St. P.O.B. 50220 91056 Jerusalem |
Invoice address | 5 HaMarpe St. P.O.B. 50220 91056 Jerusalem |
Primary phone | +972 2 649 9899 |
Secondary phone | |
Fax | +972 2 649 9898 |
bachgideon@gmail.com | |
Website | http://www.cordblood.org.il |
Location | 🗺 |
Registry details | |
ION | |
WO-id | WO-1380 |
Affiliation | ION-5239 |
WMDA membership | - |
WSMS listed | via registry |
WSMS registration date | |
WSMS shortcode | IL-Bedomaich(C) |
EMDIS Code | |
Accreditation | |
Accreditation | |
Year first status | |
Current status from | |
Current status to | |
CBB Accreditation |
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