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OSMC08:Differential update surveyOSMC08:Differential update survey
titleDifferential upload User Guideuser guide

The 1st stage differential upload is to upload a .gpg file to add, update or delete records. The existing UPDATE_MODE and STATUS fields is are used to give information to do differential upload. 

Table of Contents

1. Organizations allowed for DIFF upload

  • The registries that upload donors with GRID. GRID is compulsory for DIFF.
  • All registries and CBBs upload CBUs

      WMDA suggests all organizations with dataset more than 100K consider to implement DIFF upload to save effort to time.

2. How to create the .gpg file 

When there is more than one record 

  • Following the same process in the FULL upload user guide  Search & Match Service Data Submission Information to prepare the differential upload .gpg file.
  • The DIFF upload needs include all the fields for a DONOR/CBU exactly like the FULL upload. For no records situation for DIFF file, please check guide below.
  • Changes comparing to current FULL upload (Will later update be updated in the FULL upload user guide)

    Field IdentifierRequiredDescriptionTypeLengthComment
    UPDATE_MODEYesUpdate mode of the inventory, i.e. FULL or DIFFupdateModeType4Value is

    "FULL" means for full upload


    means differential



    STATUSYesStatus of the donor/CBUstatusType2

    statusType: "AV" ,"TU" ,"RS",  "DE" *

    AV = Available for transplantation purposes
    TU = Temporarily unavailable
    RS = Reserved
    DE = Deleted, permanently unavailable*

    *DE in is only supported in DIFF upload, will be rejected in FULL upload.

When there is no record

Accepted structure
DIFF file generation normally run automatedly, and it is possible there is no record generated. We suggest our registry do send the updated for this empty file case. But the empty record file must use the structure as below to not include the <INVENTORY> element. Otherwise the data process will generate error and block new files from your registry to be processed. 
XML example as below:

Code Block
titleXML example for file with empty record
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<INVENTORIES CREATION_TIME="2022-03-07T10:00:03Z">

Not accepted structure currently

Structure below will cause issue in WMDA data process, we added a ticket to add this feature to future release, will support it soon in June, 2024. We will send out notification when release this feature.

Code Block
titleXML issue structure with empty record
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<INVENTORIES CREATION_TIME="2022-07-15T07:49:26Z">

3.Expected behavior

Differential Update casesFile level

DONOR Behavior

(GRID is compulsory)

CBU Behavior
Upload frequencyUpload  frequency must be more than 10mins  for each DIFF upload. Otherwise, only one file in each 10mins will be processed

Add new records when STATUS is "AV"  or "TU" or "RS".
Valid records

  • Records with
not existing ID and GRID  will be added 
  • duplicated ID in the upload file will be rejected. 
  • Records with duplicated GRID in the upload file will be rejected.
  • Records without GRID will be rejected.
    But there is no rejection message, under implementation in next release
Valid records with not existing ID but duplicate GRID will be rejected
  • .
  • Invalid records will be rejected.
  • Valid records with GRID not existing in the DB will be added, they are new records
  • Invalid records will be rejected.
  • Valid records with not existing ID will be added
Update existing records when STATUS is "AV" or "TU" or "RS"

Valid records, and no GRID duplication will be updated

  • Records with duplicated ID in the upload file will be rejected. 
  • Records
Valid records
  • with duplicated GRID in the upload file will be rejected.
  • Invalid records will be rejected, and existing record with same ID and GRID in database will be deleted
in the database.
  • Valid records
will existing ID and GRID will be updated
  • with GRID existing in DB will be updated, they are updated records
  • Records with duplicated ID in the upload file will be rejected. 
  • Invalid records will be rejected, and existing record with same ID and GRID will be deleted in the database.
  • Valid records with existing ID in DB will be updated
Deleted records when STATUS is "DE"
Records existing

  • Record exists in database will be deleted.
Records do
  • Record does not
  • exist in the database will
generate a warning. 
  • be ignored. And no warning message in the report.
  • Record exists
Records existing
  • in database will be deleted.
Records do
  • Record does not
  • exist in the database will
generate a warning. 
  • be ignored. And no warning message in the report.
Upload records threshold limitation

Less than 200K records for each DIFF upload. 

(Can request for more than 200K DIFF upload if needed, please contact

4. Business validation rules

Reference numberValidation levelValidation SourceDate rule is valid Effective since XSD version numberFiled Field NameError in fieldReported Validation messageAction

2.01UPDATE_MODEInvalid update modeYour file has been rejected as the UPDATE_MODE must be equal to "FULL" or "DIFF".Reject file
2.1UPDATE_MODEInvalid update mode for multiple inventoriesYour file has been rejected as we have identified mixed update modes in your XML inventories.Reject file

2.1N/AToo many record provided for DIFF uploadFile could not be processed due to DIFF upload exceeded record count threshold: 600KReject file



Errors and


warnings in the processing report


Code Block
titleExample report of Differential upload
File: ION-0999-D.gpg 2019-09-09 11:39:22
Pool(s): 0999
Content Type: D
Update Mode: DIFF
Start processing: 2019-09-09 11:50:00
Schema version: 2.1
Total records processed: 14
Total records with warnings: 6
Total records rejected: 34
Total valid records: 87
Total updated records: 4
Total new records: 4
Total deleted records: 2

List of Records with duplicated ID or GRID:

POOL: 0999

W | 0999 | TD-000002 | N/A | (Warning) GRID 774800006001853603 must be 19 characters.
R | 0999 | TD-000002 | N/A | GRID (Record Rejected) GRID is a mandatory field.
W | 0999 | TD-000003 | N/A | (Warning) GRID 7748000060018E53612 checksum is not correct.
R | 0999 | TD-000003 | N/A | GRID (Record Rejected) GRID is a mandatory field.
W | 0999 | TD-000010 | 1234000000000001031 | STAT_END_DATE (Warning) Status end date cannot be > 5yrs in the future.
W | 0999 | TD-000010 | 1234000000000001031 | STAT_REASON (Warning) Status reason cannot be provided with status AV or RS.
R | 0999 | TD-000013 | 999900000TD00001129 | BIRTH_DATE (Record Rejected) BIRTH_DATE is a mandatory field.
W | 0999 | TD-200006000014 | N/A | (Warning) RecordGRID withmust DEbe status does not exist.

List of deleted records
D 19 characters.
R | 0999 | TD-000005 
D000014 | 0999N/A | TD-000011 GRID (Record Rejected) GRID is a mandatory field.

Processing finished at: 2019-09-09 11:53:55
Total processing time: 30 minutes.

The processing report for differential upload has 4 3 parts.

  • 1st part is the summary of the file upload, with more details of updated, new, and deleted records. 
  • 2nd part is the duplication in the uploaded file, data uploader should clean up the duplication.
  • 3rd part is the rejections and warnings. Data uploader should clean up all of them.4th part is the list of the Deleted records. It is for information, and no action is needed.

Summary numbers:

We define some cases:

GRID DB Dup: Duplication of GRID comparing existing GRID in the database with different ID. (Will be improved after GRID become compulsory)

DE non exist
: (Warning) Record with DE status does not exist." as ". 
, ignoredThis is the records with "DE" status, but they do not exist yet in WMDA database. This will be ignored.
As it is resource consuming to calculate the number based on the test implementation, WMDA decide to ignore to calculate it.
GRID Missing, rejected

GRID is compulsory for DIFF and FULL from Dec, 17, 2019. And the messages include Warning (W) type, and also Rejection (R) type. 

Example:  W | 0999 | TD-000014 | N/A | (Warning) GRID must be 19 characters.
                R  | 0999 | TD-000014 | N/A | GRID (Record Rejected) GRID is a mandatory field.  



Total records = Total records rejected + Total valid records + Total deleted


records + DE non exist

Total valid records = Total valid

Valid records = updated records +


new records + no change exist records


Rejected records

rejected=Records with duplicated ID or GRID in part 2R in part 3 + GRID DB Dup

= Rejected records + DE records missing required fields (not listed in the R/W details)

New Record Errors/warnings:

We do not have new in DIFF upload yet.


6. Organizations use DIFF upload

ION-35532020-10-30 CBU, 2021-02-17 Donor
ION-4596 includes following IONs:
ION-1574, 5525,6738,7414, 9935, 9968
2020-10-08 and later for rest of the IONs that 4596 is in charge of
ION-87662023-02-15RecordWarningRecord with DE status does not exist. When a record is with STATUS "DE" in differential upload file, but this record dose not exists in database