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titleWhat sequence do donors appear in on the reports? Are any types of donors given precedence?

The default sorting criteria from Hap-E Search and ATLAS are:

1. HLA

2. probability in 10% intervals

3. donor age in 5 year intervals

titleAre CBU results grouped by n/6?

Yes, all cords are sorted based on out of 6 HLA matching and TNC. So on top of your results you will find potential 6/6 matched cords with the largest unit (based on TNC) one on top of the page, followed by the 5/6 cords and 4/6 cords (depending on the match type you selected).

titleWhy are there sometimes probabilities missing?

These donors don't have haplotype probabilities. This is usually the case when the phenotype could not be explained with the haplotypes given in the frequency set (inexplicable donor). Without haplotypical context, the programme gives only allele frequencies for the tested loci.
