The developers have finished the update of our Search & Match Service and the matching service OptiMatch.

Since the initial launch back in November 2016, the BMDW Search & Match Service has constantly been enriched with enhancements requested by BMDW users. These enhancements are to ensure that BMDW remains very intuitive and easy to navigate, whilst providing BMDW users with all the functions they need to do their day-to-day search requests for patients in need of a transplant.


The latest release to production includes the following new features:

  • Additional donor fields in search results when expanding the donor details: Status and Last contact date are added.
  • Additional CBU fields in search results when expanding the CBU details: Volume, Status, amount of Mononuclear cells (MN), Viability and number of attached segments are added.
  • Optional grouping/sorting: standard search results are grouped/sorted by number of matching values on allele level and within the groups sorted by probability. When you have many potential matched donors with low probabilities, the standard grouping/sorting prevented you from seeing the mismatched donors which can be better options in these cases. Therefore, we now introduce an alternative grouping/sorting option where search results can be grouped together and sorted by the sum of probabilities of potential matched and mismatched donors when selecting one or two mismatches. For example: When haplotype frequencies are selected and 10 loci are considered (n=10) with 1 mismatch, and sorted by sum of probabilities – include 0 and 1 mismatches, the sum values of the probabilities for potential 10/10 matched donors and 9/10 potential matched donors are used for primary sorting. So if potential 9/10 matched donors are available with higher probabilities than 10/10 potential matched donors, the 9/10 donors will appear on top of your match list with header +9/10 (potential allele matches).
  • Introduction of new haplotype frequency sets to make probability calculations more accurate: This feature is not directly visible for you as a user, but the probabilities that are calculated and used for matching your patient with donors will be more accurate than before when we only used 1 haplotype frequency set for all probability calculations. The new frequency sets have been calculated and based upon geographical and available data of the donors of an organisation.

 For more information on the new features and the usage, please visit our userguide.


Thank you for your patience and we hope that the new features will improve search activities for your patients.