We have finished a new release of the Search & Match Service, where a new infrastructure is built to process larger data files.


The release includes:

  • Donor report: In donor search results, you can find a full donor report when you are expanding the donor details. Additional data are available if the listing organization submits these data to WMDA.
  • Cord Blood Unit report: In the cord blood search results, you can find a cord blood unit report when you are expanding the cord blood unit details. Additional data are available if the listing organisation submits these data to WMDA. 
  • Accreditation status of cord blood banks: You can see if a cord blood bank is accredited by FACT or AABB.

For more information on the new features and the usage, visit our userguide.

Keep in mind the following:

  • Search results can be different than before. Because the validation of the submitted donor and cord blood data is done stricter, it may be that donors and cord blood units could be rejected during the new file processing and not be available anymore on your match list.
  • No data shown in all fields of the donor/cord blood unit reports. From today till June 1, 2018 organisations will be switched to the new infrastructure. This means that you will see full data sets from organisations that already switched, and minimal data fields from other organizations. On the following link you can see the transition dates for each organisation. On the following link you see the number of donors and cord blood units visible for each organization. 
  • Donor / Cord blood unit report error: Occasionally, you might get an error when opening the report. We are working on a fix, the reason is probably the caching of the web application. If you experience this problem, please log-out and login again.
  • Match runs appear to be slow since this release. All searches need to be repeated resulting in more load on the servers. This will last for approximately 48 hours.

If you are experiencing any problems after the maintenance, please contact us through support@wmda.info.

Thank you for your patience and we hope that the new release will improve search activities for your patients.