This data is publicly available. Parent page : ION-5103

Operational data for Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry - ION-5103

Organisation Overview
The information has been reviewed in year :2024
Issuing organisation Number (ION)ION-5103
The Issuing Organisation Number of a organisation, this is globally unique number, as issued by the ICCBBA.
Time zoneAmerica/New_York (GMT-05:00)
The timezone in which this organisation operates.
Business hours8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Emergency on call number for after hours.
The daily hours in which this organisation operates.
Work scheduleMonday to Friday
The normal work week in which this organisation operates.
Organisation closures
For all organisation closures, please see the WMDA Calendar.
Donor ID exampleGRID: 5103 0001 2345 6789 015
ID to be expected on paperwork, samples, and products.
Preliminary Search
Requires preliminary search request formYes
If yes, form required can be found on the Documents Page.
Extended Typing
Typing options available for requestHR - A, B, C, DRB1, DQB1 or specific bundling; HR - DRB3,4,5, DPB1
Please note special requirements listed
Requires organisation specific typing request formNo
If yes, form required can be found on the Documents Page.
Number of days donor is reserved for a patient after a requestDonor not reserved following completion of Extended Typing
Verification Typing
Maximum blood volume allowed50 mL
Requires organisation specific typing request formNo
If yes, form required can be found on the Documents Page.
IDM testing performed at verificationYes
Number of days donor is reserved for a patient after a request60 days after blood samples have been drawn.
Sibling Typing
Registry is willing to arrange sibling typingsNo
If yes, procedure to apply for sibling typings We do not directly assist with these requests. CBS can facilitate communication from an international registry to a Canadian collection centre.
Workup Request
Product dosage limitPBSC: Rationale must be provided for dosage greater than 5x10^6 cell per patient weight (kg). Marrow: Rationale must be provided for dosage greater than 5x10^8 per patient weight (kg).
Number of donor cells allowed based on recipient weight.
Requires patient to meet certain standards in order to proceed with collectionYes
Organisation may or may not allow donor collections for some patients.
Patient physician must report the following in order to proceed with collectionPatient information including diagnosis, age, gender, weight, transplant history, ABO Rh, CMV status, Patient and Donor HLA typing lab reports, and current disease status.
Must provide additional information to organisation.
Requires organisation specific work up forms No
If yes, form(s) required can be found on the Documents Page.
Workup IDM completed 30 days prior to collectionYes
Donor IDM results must be performed within 30 days of collection date to be valid and allow the collection to proceed.
Medical Health Questionnaire example availableYes
If yes, the example can be found on the Documents Page.
Subsequent donation policyEligible Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry donors will only be able to donate a maximum of two hematopoietic stem cells, including any previous unrelated and/or related stem cell donations. Stem Cell Registry donors may make additional therapeutic donations such as leukocytes (DLI), however will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Anonymous contact allowedCanadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry donors and recipients may exchange anonymous correspondence post-transplant. All correspondence will be screened by the Stem Cell Registry to maintain confidentiality.
Direct contact allowedYes, at the earliest 1 year post-transplant. Direct Contact between a Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry donor and patient is not permitted until at least one year after the most recent donation. Due to the varying regulations of individual transplant centres the request may not be permitted, regardless of Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry policies.
Gift exchange allowedNo
Cord blood contact allowedNo


IDM TestedMethod Days between test
and sampling/workup
ALT/ASTALT/AST ratio, De-Ritis-Quotient No
ChagasChagas, T. cruzi On requestElecsys ChagasWithin 30 days
CMV IgGCytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibody testing IgG No
CMV IgMCytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibody testing IgM No
CMV TotalCytomegalovirus Total YesCapture-CMV Within 30 days
EBV IgGEpstein-Barr Virus Antibody testing IgG No
EBV IgMEpstein-Barr Virus Antibody testing IgM No
HAV (NAT)Anti-hepatitis A virus nucleic acid testing No
HBV (NAT)Hepatitis B nucleic acid testing Yescobas® MPX – Multiplex HIV, HCV and HBV nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® 6800/8800 SystemsWithin 30 days
HBc AbHepatitis B core antibody testing YesElecsys Anti-HBc II Within 30 days
HBs AgHepatitis B Surface antigen testing YesElecsys HBsAg II Within 30 days
HCV (NAT)Hepatitis C nucleic acid testing Yescobas® MPX – Multiplex HIV, HCV and HBV nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® 6800/8800 SystemsWithin 30 days
HCV AbHepatitis C antibody testing YesElecsys Anti-HCV IIWithin 30 days
HEV (NAT)Hepatitis E Virus nucleic acid testing No
HIV (NAT)Human Immunodeficiency Virus nucleic acid testing Yescobas® MPX – Multiplex HIV, HCV and HBV nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® 6800/8800 SystemsWithin 30 days
HIV-1 AbHuman Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-1 antibody testing YesElecsys HIV Duo Within 30 days
HIV-2 AbHuman Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-2 antibody testing YesElecsys HIV Duo Within 30 days
HIV p24Human Immunodeficiency Virus p24 antigen testing YesElecsys HIV DuoWithin 30 days
HTLV-IHuman T-Lymphotropic Virus type I testing YesElecsys HTLV-I/II Within 30 days
HTLV-IIHuman T-Lymphotropic Virus type II testing YesElecsys HTLV-I/II Within 30 days
MalariaMalaria No
HSVHerpes Simplex Virus No
STSSerological tests for syphilis YesBECKMAN COULTER PK® TP SystemWithin 30 days
STS FTA-ABSSerological test for syphilis No
ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosis No
VZVVaricella Zoster Virus No
WNV-NATWest Nile Virus nucleic acid testing Yescobas® WNV – Nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® 6800/8800 SystemsWithin 30 days
Other tests performed YesChagas Antibody testing depending upon responses to Health Screening Chagas Risk questions. Confirmatory testing for repeat reactive HBsAg, HCV Ab, HIV-1 Ab, HIV-2 Ab, HTLV-I Ab, HTLV-II Ab, Syphilis and Chagas screening tests.

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