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The WMDA Search & Match Service is a web-based software application that can be accessed through the internet. This service provides authorized users with a single, comprehensive application that can be used to search for and find matches for donors and cords. The WMDA team is constantly working on developing the Search & Match Service in response to user requests. You can learn more about upcoming developments by visiting this page.If you require any information or want to send us a request, please send an email to

About this document

This document is designed to act as a reference guide covering the most important aspects of the Search & Match Service. 


Users of the Search & Match Service must comply with the data security and handling requirements. Access to the Search & Match service is only allowed when your organisation has signed the Data Use Agreement (DUA). See Security & Privacy - GDPRUnderstanding Data Protection Regulation - a guide for WMDA members for more info. Once you extract data from the system, you are responsible for its security in accordance with the DUA signed with the WMDA, your national legislation and your local department data handling policies and procedures.


  • Patient ID
  • Summary of search settings used
    • Type of search
    • Matching engine used
    • Loci considered and number of mismatches allowed
    • Number of inexplicable donors
  • Frequently used filters
  • Search results

captionFigure 125: Search results

Include Page
What are inexplicable donors?
What are inexplicable donors?

Include Page
What to do when all results do not show any overall probability
What to do when all results do not show any overall probability

Maximum number of records



Change maximum number of records displayed

The system by default shows you 250 search results. You can expand this to 500 records or reduce it to 15, 50 or 100 records per page. You can do this on the bottom of the search results page. 

captionFigure 136: Maximum number of records displayed


Overview of donor search match results

captionFigure 167: Donor match results table ("standard" and "sum of probabilities" sorting)

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captionFigure 178: Cord match results table

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Explanation of colours, abbreviations, percentages and codes

Abbreviation / column


HLA patient

In between two grey bars, in a white space, you can find the HLA of your patient. This sticky header will move with you when you are looking at results more below.

Probability of mismatches

0, 1, 2

Probability of a mismatch at 0 loci, 1 locus, and 2 loci. The percentages are based on the match type you have been chosen (out of 6 then 3 loci are considered; out of 10 then 5 loci are considered).

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The five squares above the probability percentages are representing, respectively, locus A, B, C, DRB1, and DQB1. They are showing in letter/colour codes if a certain locus of a donor/cord is likely to match with your patient or not.

  • A - Green: allele match or identical antigen recognition domain
  • P - Blue: potential allele match
  • L - Orange: allele mismatch, but antigen match; The HLA typing is shown in the same colour and underlined
  • M - Red: antigen mismatch. The HLA typing is shown in the same colour and bold
  • -   - not specified
DPB1 TCE3 grading model

The sixth square indicates the DPB1 match grade. 

DPB1 TCE3 evaluation is performed and displayed for potential donors under the following conditions:

  • Patient DPB1 values must be present. Ambiguities in the form of multiple alleles codes, G‐ codes, etc. are allowed.
  • Donor DPB1 values must be present. Ambiguities in the form of multiple alleles codes, G‐ codes, etc. are allowed.

The results of the DPB1 TCE3 grading is shown below the donor’s DPB1 values by using the following symbols above the DPB1 alleles of the donor:

  • A - Green: allele match or identical antigen recognition domain
  • Pe - Blue: permissive DPB1 mismatch
  • G - red: non-permissive DPB1 mismatch in the graft versus host direction (GvH).
  • H - red: non-permissive DPB1 mismatch in the host versus graft direction (HvG).
  • X - grey: ambiguous or undetermined DPB1 match grade 

The explanation of the symbols is also provided when hovering the symbols.

Ambiguities in patient and/or donor HLA‐DPB1 may lead to multiple possible TCE classifications. The probability values for the respectively potentially permissive, non‐permissive in GvH direction or non‐permissive in HvG direction are provided upon hover over the symbol. 

The probabilities are based on the consensus HLA‐DPB1 allele frequencies and are rounded to one percentage point. It should be noted that HLA‐DPB1 linkage disequilibrium with the other HLA‐loci is not considered.

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Reg Abbr

This column shows you the ION code of the registry or cord blood bank where the donor or cord is registered followed by the abbreviated name.

This column may also shows you an icon that indicates that the registry is either WMDA accredited or WMDA qualified. If no icon is present next to the ION code, then the registry is not WMDA qualified or accredited.

: the icon that indicates that the registry has a "WMDA accredited" or "WMDA qualified" status

When you hover over the icon, the icon indicates whether the registry has been WMDA qualified or whether the registry has been fully accredited. Also the validity period of the qualification/accreditation is visible.

The orange ticks have verification  WMDA Qualified 

: The orange ticks have the icon with a "Q" and a silver/grey V: WMDA Qualified

:The green ticks have the icon with an "A" and a gold/yellow V: WMDA Accredited

 : registry is accredited from 2007. 

: registry is qualified from 2021.


Current age of donor (in case of donor search)/ Time since cryopreservation of cord blood unit (in case of cord search)


Sex: M = male, F = female

Blood group

Blood group, e.g. A+ = blood group A, rhesus positive, B- = blood group B, rhesus negative


CMV status

Possible values:
N = Both IgG and IgM negative
Q = Questionable / Unclear
G = IgG positive, IgM negative
M = IgG negative, IgM positive
B = Both IgG and IgM positive
P = IgG or IgM positive, test did not differentiate
H = IgG positive, IgM not tested
O = IgG negative, IgM not tested

As seen in the second entry, a A value for the CMV status may not always be available. 

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NOTE: A tooltip for information on the values can be used to aid in understanding their meaning. 

Probability of match per locus

Within the donor/ cord details, the probability of a match per locus is displayed:

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This also correspondents with the match grade that is indicated by the letter/colour code from the five squares in the column probability of mismatchesabove the column with the match probability per locus. These probabilities are only are only calculated for the 5 loci A, B, C, DRB1, and DQB1.

For more information on the differences between Hap-E and Optimas the matching engines please see the chapter below called "Differences between chapters: "Features Hap-E and Optimas regarding locus specific match probabilities"ATLAS" and "Feature comparison Matching engines".


GRID, Global Registration Identifier for Donors, is an ID for donors (not for CBUs) that is globally unique. 

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The number is split into 3 sections;

  1. The first 4 numbers represent the Issuing Organization Number (ION).
  2. The next 13 numbers are the Registration Donor Identifier, which shall be controlled in such a manner that they uniquely identify a single donor.
  3. The last 2 numbers are the Checksum, which is calculated and based on the ISO 7064 Mod 37-2 algorithm.

Once a GRID is assigned it cannot and will not be reassigned - it is completely unique. 

For more information on the GRID number please refer to Global Registration Identifier for Donors - WMDA


Ethnic group: The system uses the same ethnic groups as defined for the EMDIS system:

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The ethnic groups are as follows

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StatusStatus of a donor or CBU. For donors, the status can be available (AV), reserved for a patient (RS), temporarily unavailable (TU)

How to print search results or store as PDF


How to refresh search results for a patient


How to assign a user to a patient


How to deactivate a patient


How to change the activate a patient again


Differences between Hap-E and Optimas regarding locus specific match probabilities

There is a difference in the meaning of the indicated probabilities per locus between Optimas and Hap-E. For more info on this please see the following slides and video

Links to assist you in your searches

The following list contains useful links to assist in finding a potentially matched donor:

International professional organisations

In the field of HLA a few professional organisations are active in order to provide information on immunogenetics and histocompatibility.

FAQ from Users of the Search & Match Service



Updated due to last release of 2017-10-13


UK - Unknown
AS - Asian
CA - Caucasian
HI - Hispanic
AFNA - African: North Africa
AFSS - African: Sub-Sahara Africa
ASSW - Asian: Southwest Asia (Middel East, Turkey)
ASSO - Asian: Southern Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal)
ASCE - Asian: Central Asia (China, Mongolia, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan)
ASNE - Asian: North and Northeast Asia (Japan, North Korea, South Korea)
ASOC - Asian: Oceania (Pacific Islands, Excluding Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Sakhalin, Aleutian Islands)
CAEU - Caucasian: Mainland Europe, Greenland, Iceland, Western Russia
CAER - Caucasian: Eastern Russia
CANA - Caucasian: North American (USA, Canada, Mexico)
CAAU - Caucasian: Australia (Austrlia, New Zealand)
HICA - Central America, Caribbean
HISA - South American
MX - Mixed/multiple
OT - Other (e.g. Australian Aborigine)

StatusStatus of a donor or CBU. For donors, the status can be available (AV), reserved for a patient (RS), or temporarily unavailable (TU)

How to print search results or store as PDF

Include Page
How to print search results or store as PDF
How to print search results or store as PDF

How to refresh search results for a patient


Include Page
How to get automatic updates of search results
How to get automatic updates of search results

Manual full refresh

Include Page
How to manually refresh search results for a patient
How to manually refresh search results for a patient

How to assign a user to a patient

Include Page
How to assign a user to a patient
How to assign a user to a patient

How to deactivate a patient

Include Page
How to deactivate a patient
How to deactivate a patient

How to activate a patient again

Include Page
How to activate a patient
How to activate a patient

Differences between Hap-E, ATLAS and Optimas regarding locus specific match probabilities

For more information on the differences between the matching engines please see the chapters: "Features Hap-E and ATLAS" and "Feature comparison Matching engines", or please see the following slides and video

Links to assist you in your searches

The following list contains useful links to assist in finding a potentially matched donor:

International professional organisations

In the field of HLA a few professional organisations are active in order to provide information on immunogenetics and histocompatibility.

FAQ from Users of the Search & Match Service
